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Center Contributors Publish Book Chapter on Coaching for Positive Youth Development

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 professors 泰德法国, Al Petitpas, 和 Judy Van Raalte contributed a chapter to The Psychology of Effective Coaching 和 Management, titled “Coaching for positive youth development,” published in 2016 (Nova Publishers). The book cover photo shows 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站’s own Coach Moira Long meeting with her team.

Center Director Serves as Content Expert for Nike’s Human Capital Model

Al Petitpas was selected as a content expert for Nike’s Human Capital Model, which provides the scholarly foundation for Designed to Move. The Human Capital Model outlines the research evidence supporting the health, 情感, 知识, 社会, 个人, 以及体育锻炼的经济效益. 关于该模型的更多信息可以在“Physical activity: An underestimated investment in human capital," 体育活动杂志 & 健康(贝利,希尔曼,阿伦特和佩蒂帕斯,2013).

工作人员 Develop 和 Lead 第一个发球台’s Outst和ing Participant Summit

泰德法国, 核心因素, 还有阿尔·佩蒂帕斯, 导演, were selected to design 和 lead the 第一个发球台’s Outst和ing Participants Summit in Dallas, 德州. This event brought together 24 youth from across 第一个发球台’s network of chapters to participate in an interactive training to promote community service 和 leadership. 前总统乔治·W·W. Bush 和 golfing legend Annika Sorenstam were among the presenters at this four-day event held in March 2015.

Center to be Content Provider for The Nine Healthy Habits Initiate

The Center for Youth Development 和 Research was selected to be the sole content provider for the category of “family,"九个健康习惯之一. This program is a collaborative effort of the Walt Disney Pavilion Florida Hospital for Children, 安妮卡基金会, 和 第一个发球台 to promote physical, 情感, 和 社会 wellbeing in youth across the world. The Center will contribute educational resources related to family interactions on an ongoing basis.

Mentor Training Programs Developed by Center for Two Programs

Through the funding of the Royal Bank of Scotl和 和 第一个发球台, the Center for Youth Development 和 Research has created 和 conducted a comprehensive mentor training program for various chapters of 第一个发球台. An adaptive version of these materials was used in 2015 for mentor training for McGill University students who served as mentors for the Montreal Alouettes’ On Point in School program. 导师培训手册, 为这个项目创建的资源之一, has been adapted 和 used by a number of youth mentoring organizations.

Center Completes National Investigation on Experiences of 第一个发球台 Teenaged Participants 和 校友

斯普林菲尔德的泰德·弗朗斯教授, 利兹·穆林, 还有阿尔·佩蒂帕斯 completed a study of teenaged participants 和 alumni of 第一个发球台 organization. This multi-method investigation involved more than 1,000 youth 和 revealed that participants believed that 第一个发球台 was instrumental in helping them do better in school 和 in promoting a community service orientation. There also was clear evidence that the quality of the relationships established among 第一个发球台 coaches 和 participants was strongly correlated with youths’ acquisition of life skills 和 core values. 该报告于2016年3月发布.


十大赌博靠谱信誉网站教授Albert Petitpas说, 泰德法国 和 利兹·穆林 were selected by 第一个发球台 National Home Office to conduct a national research investigation on how coaches learn to coach for positive youth development through sport. The research investigation was a continuation of their prior work investigating teenage participants’ perspectives on their experiences in a positive youth development through sport program. This project was done in collaboration with Linda Petlichkoff, a nationally recognized expert in coach education, 整个2016年都在进行.

校友 Lead LACES Program at Needham High School

李约瑟教堂(弥撒.) High School physical education program has continued to develop 和 implement the 学术领袖, 社区参与, 和 Service (LACES) Community-based Youth Development through Sport 和 Physical Activity program. Led by alumni Denise Domnarski ’13 和 Tim Walsh ’94, 并与81届的凯西·平克汉姆合作, students worked on strategies to address wellness issues in the high school 和 presented potential solutions to faculty 和 administrators to remediate problems.

Alumnae Inducted into Athletic Hall of Fame at New Brunswick High School

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 athletic counseling alumnae Laurie (Ben-Ami) Lazovick, G’00, 加入了新不伦瑞克省(New Brunswick).J.) High School Athletic Hall of Fame in June 2016 for her contributions to the direction of the school’s highly successful Play It Smart program. Lazovick is the first non-New Brunswick High School graduate to achieve this honor.

LACES 和 Play It Smart Continue to Positively Impact Youth

学术领袖, 社区参与, 和 Service (LACES) 和 Play It Smart are programs created at the Center that promote positive youth development.