

在你找工作的时候, it is critical that you are well-educated about potential scams and fraudulent jobs that sometimes exist in today's society. 你是否正在使用 握手 或者任何外部网站或招聘网站, always utilize your best judgment and thoroughly research positions, 以及他们的代理机构, 在申请前完整填写. 

The 斯普林菲尔德 College Career Center subscribes to standards set forth by the National Association of Colleges and 雇主 (NACE). Please review the suggested tips and recommendations while conducting any type of job search. 请访问该网站查看全文. 

不幸的是, not all employment opportunities are legitimate; entities may pose as employers as part of a scam to elicit personal information from or otherwise defraud their victims. Career centers and students alike must be vigilant about fraudulent employers and should identify steps to take to verify the legitimacy of an employer.  

  • Research company websites thoroughly: Does the company have a website? 网站和帖子相符吗? 这个网站看起来合法吗? Look to see if the organization is using a company domain versus a general Gmail or Hotmail account. 将电子邮件地址与公司域名相匹配. Watch for e-mail addresses that are similar looking, but not the same. Look for “stock photos,” grammatical errors, and poor use of English language.
  • Be leery of non-approved employment flyers on college campuses and other establishments.
  • 利用社交媒体调查每个雇主.g.、脸谱网、推特、Snapchat、LinkedIn. 在Glassdoor等网站上调查一下这家公司.网站提供意见及投诉.
  • Be cognizant of unsolicited e-mails that are not specifically directed to you. Many employers have access to resumes via 职业中心s. Therefore, reach out to your 职业中心 should you have any concerns or questions.
  • 保密你的私人信息! 不要分享个人信息.g., 社会安全号码, 银行信息, 信用卡或借记卡号码, 针, 密码, 生日, address, 母亲的娘家姓).
  • 没有过程 任何 金融交易. For example: Some companies offer opportunities to “make money really quick.他们会提供“一天特价”.” Their intent is to defraud you by sending or wiring money to your bank account. They will ask you to cash the check or send the monies to other accounts. Once your bank or financial institution processes the scammer’s check or financial request, you may be informed the monies are invalid or “not real.与此同时, you are held responsible for the funds the bank has sent at your direction to other accounts.
  • Fraudulent companies are phishing for the unsuspecting, including you. 注意你在网上分享和发布的内容. If you feel uncomfortable or aren’t sure about certain companies or employers, 和你的就业中心谈谈.

Bottom line, if you have any questions, talk to someone before pursuing any opportunity. 如果一件事听起来好得令人难以置信,那它很可能就是真的.

