


Associate Professor of Education / Program Director of the Student Affairs Administration Master's Program
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, 哥伦布, OH, 2017
  • Master of Science in College Student Personnel, Miami University, Oxford, OH, 2006
  • Bachelor of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 2004
  • Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 2004

Kari泰勒 brings a range of professional experience in academic advising and student support, 辅助课程的项目, 学生事务评估, 以及研究生教育. 最近, she served as 程序 director of the University of Connecticut Higher Education and Student Affairs Program where she taught courses focused on fieldwork experience, 学生事务简介, 以及大学生发展. She also plays an active role in ACPA-College Student Educators International.

  • 大学生发展
  • 教与学的评估
  • Achievement of liberal arts learning outcomes
  • Fieldwork/Internship in Student Affairs Administration
  • Equity, 包容, and Social Justice in Collegiate Contexts
  • 学生事务简介
  • 学生学习与发展
  • Assessment, Research, and Data-informed Decision-making
  • Higher Education Leadership, Legal Issues, and Policy
  • Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
  • ACPA - College Student Educators International
  • NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education

Selected Works


泰勒,K. B. & 内维尔,K. (2023年4月). Recognizing and dismantling inequity in organizational policies and practices. Presentation given at the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Annual Conference, 波士顿, MA.

泰勒,K. B.麦克马洪,D.布什,A., & 埃里克森,M. (2023年4月). Cultivating mindfulness among aspiring and new student affairs professionals. Presentation given at the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Annual Conference, 波士顿, MA.

psamez II, D., & 泰勒,K. B. (2022年6月). “It’s a two-way cycle”: Exploring scholar-practitioners’ informal theories on student success. Presentation given at the 2022 NASPA Conference on Student Success in Higher Education, 巴尔的摩, MD.

泰勒,K. B.斯普林克尔,C., & 杰克逊,维. 3月(2021). Assessing critical consciousness development among marginalized students. Poster presented at the ACPA College Student Educators International Annual Convention. [由于COVID-19大流行而虚拟.]

Shalka T.杜兰,A.特拉弗斯,C., & 泰勒,K. B. 3月(2019). Navigating the writing and publishing process as a graduate student. Presentation given at the ACPA College Student Educators International Annual Convention, 波士顿, MA.

Castillo-Montoya, M., & 泰勒,K. B. (2018年11月). Seeing the links between educational practices and learning in higher education: The benefits of multifaceted classroom observations. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, 坦帕, FL.

埃尔南德斯,E., & 泰勒,K. B. 3月(2018). Debunking 8 common myths about self-authorship. Presentation given at the ACPA College Student Educators International Annual Convention, 休斯顿, TX.

泰勒,K. B. (2017年11月). Contextualizing how undergraduate students develop toward critical consciousness: A focus on the complexities of peer interactions. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, 休斯顿, TX.

泰勒,K. B. 3月(2017). Contextualizing how undergraduate students develop critical consciousness. Presentation given at The Ohio State University Hayes Research Forum, 哥伦布, OH.

贝克. R., & 泰勒,K. B. (2016年11月). Examining the role of discomfort in collegiate learning and development. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, 哥伦布, OH.



内维尔,K. M., & 泰勒,K. B. (新闻). Disrupting the status quo: Developing an equity-oriented educational leadership Ph.D. 程序. 关于 Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience. 

Castillo-Montoya, M., & 泰勒,K. B. (2021). Researching complex collegiate learning: A critical and integrative approach to classroom observation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 1–17. http://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2021.2003891 

泰勒,K. B. (2021). Exploring the complexities of peer interactions in fostering development toward critical consciousness. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(1), 50-62. 

泰勒,K. B., & 贝克. R. (2019). Examining the role of discomfort in collegiate learning and development. Journal of College Student Development, 60(2), 173-188. 

泰勒,K. B.琼斯,S. R.马西,R.米奇., & 雷诺兹,D. J. (2018). “It just had to settle”: A longitudinal investigation of students’ developmental readiness to navigate dissonance and experience transformation through international service-learning. The Journal of Higher Education, 89(2), 236-260. 

泰勒,K. B.琼斯,S. R.马西,R.米奇.雷诺兹,D。. J., & 杰克逊,T. (2017). Examining developmental readiness in an international service-learning context. Journal of College Student Development, 58(5), 685-703. 


泰勒,K. B. (2023). Exploring how epistemologies guide the process of coding data and developing themes. 在一个. L. Terosky V. L. 贝克, & J. C. 太阳(Eds.), A practical guide to teaching research methods in education: Lesson plans and advice from faculty (pp. 179-187). 泰勒 & 弗朗西斯. 

泰勒,K. B., & 雷诺兹,D. J. (2019). 失调. 在E. S. ?,年代. R. 琼斯, & D-L. 斯图尔特(Eds.), Rethinking college student development theory using critical frameworks (pp. 94-109). 斯特林,弗吉尼亚州:手写笔. 

巴克斯特·马戈尔达,m.m. B., & 泰勒,K. B. (2017). 整体的发展. 在J. H. Schuh,年代. R. 琼斯, & V. 托雷斯(Eds.), Student services: A handbook for the profession (6th ed., pp. 153-168). 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯. 

泰勒,K. B. (2016). Diverse and critical perspectives on cognitive development theory. 在E. S. 热? (Ed.), Critical perspectives on student development theory. New 方向 for Student Services (no. 154, pp. 29-41). 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯.